Friday, April 10, 2009

life as a loner is not a sad life

Have you ever had those days when you feels all alone. Don't want to talk to any one and everything irritates you?
Are there times that you feel sadness without any reason why to be sad?

We don't know why it happens but it just happens. there was one time when i even cried coz i feel so lonely. then i felt that i miss my parents, my friends the old times my old friends my place everything in the past, my boyfriend then i start crying. this what we say a mystery why it happens.

will a person always feel sad when they are alone?
first to be alone because they are sad

alone not always make sadness but sadness always makes us alone.I find that sometimes I am alone because I am sad, and other times I am sad because I am alone. Then again, I also prefer many times to be alone as well. It's really a complex idea for me, aloneness. I have a hard time fitting in with a group, or feeling like I "belong". That really makes me sad. I think, over time, I have stayed more alone because not belonging has continued to make me sad. I often thought my sadness was due to being alone but i learned over time that being alone is just find. It is the sadness the was isolating me from others.But being alone a lot of times is sad, too. So for some, this is a very complex idea! sadness always makes us alone, because if we are sad the world feels like hell and there is no one cares about us, about our sadness we feel.

life as a loner is not a sad life. You are what you make up of life in your state of being alone. Afterall you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.

Before I used to hate being alone. I used to feel lonely or bored when I was alone. Now, I love it. sometimes we need to be alone to think about something which made us sad and thinking about our life.I love having time to be by myself and focus on me.I enjoy my quiet time, my alone time and find that sometimes. I love having time to reflect, to be able to be silent without it being uncomfortable,Being alone give you a chance to think your own thoughts, explore your own interests, dream your own dreams. Maybe you just need to smile more and to enjoy my own i can be alone and perfectly happy.

always ethel