Sunday, October 24, 2010


busy with my final exams!
done with my two subjects...
quite busy coz lots of activities...
but despite of my busy schedule i still have time magmuni-muni hehe
my ritual ;)

-just watching the new release gadgets for 2010 i really love ipod nano but before saving money for ipod nano i have to save first for my glasses.

-lastweek my uncle on my mother side was admitted at st.pauls hospital because of mild stroke.

-last september my nephew was diagnos of hydrocephalus "water in the brain"

-recently my sister was diagnos of cerebral palsy

-my mom ---> neuritis and having an abnormal blood flow.

-right now my father is suffering back pain and sometimes he cant even move his legs, we dont know the reason cause laboratory results "NEGATIVE".

-me? ohhh pain in my heart hehhee joke! im just busy and dont have time mapaka emo =P