Monday, February 11, 2013

Small ways to make a girl happy.

1. If you like her, straight up tell her.
No one likes mixed signals. Have confidence,bro.

2. When you hug her, hug her like you mean it.
Don't give her one of those one-armed woosie hugs.
Make it tight and meaningful. It'll make her feel secure.

3. When you walk next to a girl, get as close as you can.
Even lightly bump into her at times.
Believe it or not, this is another way of saying
'I like you'.

4. Give her gifts "just because"
Shoot you don't need a special occasion to give a girl a gift.
Do it in the least meaningful of times. Surprise her a little bit.

5. Kiss her slightly. No one likes sloppiness.
Put something behind your kiss every chance you get.

6. Don't over use, "I love you".
If you have to, say it rarely.
Girls would rather hear you say it once and mean it,
rather than say it a dozen times in a day and never mean it.

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