Wednesday, September 16, 2009

does absence makes the heart grow fonder or wander?

im here he's there. its so hard not seeing him for a months or worse,years.longdistance relationship carries higher cheating , gigantic phone bills and HECK no sex! its so hard to be with someone who is not physicaly around - it's just not feasible.imagine face-to-face relationship are already hard how much more when the other is thousands of miles away. there's also the "why bother or bakit pa" attitude. .

long distance relationship is nothing new. while some begin their relationship already apart other begin in more traditional foot: physicaly together until one of them has to leave like a grant in working abroad. when this happen its quite logical to end the relationship yet some still choose to remain together despite the distance .

we were great together to the point where people thought we were going to get married but i choose to end our relationhip (pero d nya alam tapos na kami) its not that i am weak i just wanted to spare ourselves from the hassle and hurt. its more like saving yourself from the heartbreak that's about to come "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure".

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